by CLC on January 8, 2013

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Romans 8:31

Here is a verse that is immensely profitable to settle in one’s mind.

If God is for us….

Paul at this point assumes that God is for us. He has spent time already in the earlier parts of Romans building this point.  Look at Romans 5:1, ” We have peace with God ”  or  Romans 5:8, “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”  Paul argues that we are now children and heirs of the heavenly Father.

If God is for us….. ?

This question needs to be settled in the believers mind. God is for us , but for that fact to be enjoyed it must be believed. Many people doubt this, believers among them. But God is for us.  What do you believe ?

If God is for us, who can be against us ?  The list can indeed be long here. It might be helpful to honestly make a list sometime. The believer does not stick her head in the sand like some spiritual ostrich, but rather looks at the opposition realistically. There are people, and yes forces, that are against us. The larger question then becomes,  what does it matter ?

Our birthright as children of God is to live with the confidence, joy, and peace that God has for us, in short to live out what we believe. As Paul writes a few verses later in Romans 8:37, “We are more than conquerors.”  I want to live more and more each day with these blessings. Consider deeply these questions. There is spiritual gold to be mined within.

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