by CLC_Staff on May 27, 2015

Not My Own - Mark OverbeekJoin us this Sunday as we welcome Mark Overbeek to CLC. Mark will share with us from the book of John on what it is to abide or remain in Jesus.

Scripture Reference: John 15: 1-11

Overbeek_2014_cropped[1]Mark and his wife, Heather, have served as Missionaries on Kodiak Island in Alaska for over 10 years, almost all of that time in a rural, fly-in only, native village of about 200 Alutiiq people.  They share the Good News and love of Christ with the children and adults of the village through weekly worship, after school kids’ programs, and special events, programs, and trips like camps.  They want to see groups of thriving believers in each of the Island’s 6 villages and the city of Kodiak living and sharing the Gospel in their communities. Mark and Heather have 5 children ages 13 to 1.


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