by CLC_Staff on November 6, 2015

November 8, Psalming ThoughtsBeing at Peace Among the Frazzled

Are you frazzled, stressed, or worse, overwhelmed and depressed? When we read Psalm 116 we see this is not a new phenomena. For the patient reader of Psalm 116 we are encouraged to know this is not new, nor are we alone. Better yet, the Psalm gives us directions for a way forward. This advice does not come from theory, but from someone who knows this:

The cords of death entangled me,
The anguish of the game came upon me.
I was overcome by trouble and sorrow. Psalm 116: 3-4

Do we preach, study and pray this Psalm because we’re all in such sad shape? No, we do so mostly as preventative medicine, so we can, “Be at rest once more, O my soul.” ~ Psalm 116: 7

Scripture Reference: Psalm 116

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